UnderCover Presents is a small grassroots collective that gathers musicians from every corner of the San Francisco Bay Area’s music scene to celebrate the broad influence of classic albums and influential artists. The concept is simple: bands are invited—based on their enthusiasm for the album or artist—from a range of musical genres that reflect the diverse styles and cultures that make Bay Area music unique. So far, the project has produced or co-produced 3 major shows and 2 albums and there are more in the works. For this project, I created the logo and visual identity as well as the website and WordPress CMS with blog, social media and MailChimp integration.
*On occasion, I will take on projects in exchange for free drinks and concert passes.
**FYI, I am currently eyeing a 1983 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ40 like David Carsons' (but not in yellow).
***Yes I did shamelessly drop a famous designers' name by way of proving that I've drilled far enough into his blog to know what kind of car he owns.